Motherhood on Film.
Motherhood on film.
This girl right here is one of my beautiful soul sisters, and look at her adorable babies!
As much as I didn’t really enjoy my high school years, there are some really amazing things that came from those days. Like this woman right here! She and I both just got each other. I first remember her big laugh and inviting smile. I immediately felt at ease as I was still mostly new as I moved in during my sophomore year of high school, and oh the torture at the time. I laugh thinking back on those days that I thought were the WORST.
Chalimar and I just genuinely clicked. We have experienced the highs and the lows in life, and no matter what curve balls life throws at us we are always in each others corner. If you don’t have a soul sister or 2 or 3, find one, they are the best & easiest kind of friends to have.
We are born of love; Love is our mother. - Rumi
I’ve been thinking so much lately about being born into motherhood. The immense pride I feel in my progeny and every single revelation of life they have. It might be so simple-discovering dandelion puffs or their own belly button. I’m so glad I get to be present for that. I’m so thankful for these moments and these babies. - Chalimar