2019 Summer on Film
At the end of Jude’s school year I was inspired to document our summer with film and not get it processed until Jude started school back up. I’m SO glad I did this. It really brought me a lot of joy to look through these beautiful, imperfect, and messy photos of this summer.
Speaking of joy, summer was HARD emotionally. I really had to CHOOSE joy almost every single day of summer. We had a lot of unexpected lifestyle changes happen at the beginning of summer, which completely changed our summer plans. I took the summer time to process the change and slow down a bit to sit with my emotions. When times get tough, I tend to dig deep and put one step in front of the other to keep going. There is no such thing as a mental day for me right now. Thank GOD for my tribe, I have such a good one. So I put my phone down a little more than usual, picked up a few good books, and stayed present to who needs me the most, which is always my kids, which currently is a lot these days, but I also love it. I will NEVER get this time back with them, so everything else will have to wait. It’s just the season we are in.
We spent days outside early in the backyard playing in baby pools and eating popsicles like they were going out of style. After the littles went to bed, Jude and I watched endless Disney movies and ate microwave popcorn almost every night. There were no alarm clocks and most days were filled with friends and water. But lets also be real, and if you know anything about my oldest Jude, he NEEDS routine, so about after 3 weeks of summer he was all out of sorts, so we needed to fine tune a few things to adjust to his needs.
It was the first summer to be home with all 3 kids, and I don’t think I could ever forget this summer. I’m so thankful for these pictures of them. I recently lost a friend who was an amazing photographer and teacher. He was teaching me to push my boundaries, and to challenge myself everyday. I’m going to miss him and his mentoring so much, but I’m going to carry his words with me as I go through this next season. Life is beautiful and so hard, live it to the fullest.