Camping Garner State Park on Film
I finally got to visit Garner State Park (I’m not from Texas) this fall, and it might be my new favorite spot in TX. It was GORGEOUS.
Chase & I discovered the love of camping in our marriage right before we had children. I didn’t grow up camping, but fell in love with it in college. Now camping with babies, and toddlers is a whole other experience. We do it for the adventure, the laughs and to unplug, knowing the older they get the easier and more fun it will be. And lets be real, we can’t afford a real vacation these days, so camping is our “go to” on a budget. We love it!
Our past trip to GSP this fall has by far been one of our best. It was also our first tent experience since Posey has been born. I was actually shocked at how well we all did.
You have to have a system down when it comes to camping with kids, or it’s just going to be complete chaos and frustration. You also have to go in with an extremely open mind and set your expectations low. As you know the weather in Texas loves to throw you curve balls, and I ALWAYS seem to pick that weekend it goes from 95 to 45 in 8 hours, so preperation is key.
Our first day it was 95 degrees and we got to swim in the river. I had my fuji camera around my neck and as I was waist deep in the river, I took a fall and went under with my camera. Luckily it dried out in 2 days and still works.
Here are some of my favorite film pictures I captured during our hikes. Which we love to do! Nature is so good for the soul.